About Our Events

ACT Mini Car Club – Events

Club activities include roads trips to locations and events in and around Canberra.

The Club also undertakes longer trips to other Mini club activities and shows in Wagga Wagga, Albury, Hay, the NSW South Coast, Sydney and Gosford. These trips include longer runs to Hay in June, the Rylstone Rally in August and the Wagga Wagga Mini Muster in October.

The main club activity for the year is our 60 Years of Mini Celebration in August.

Apart from the social aspect of participating in Club Events, many of our members operate vehicles with Historic Registration and these events provide an opportunity for these vehicles to be driven, enjoyed and displayed.

As a general rule, any Event listed on our web page or on our FaceBook page, is an orginised and approved club event.

Please take the time to scroll through our events calendar and feel free to suggest an event that may be of interest to members. 

The Event Calendar is interactive, where the event details can expanded upon by clicking on that event.  The views can also be changed to Week or Agenda (list mode) by selecting one of the top right tabs and events can be copied and printed.


ACT Mini Car Club – Log Books

Members are reminded that it is a condition of use for historic registered vehicles that your vehicle “Log Book” is always up to date and an incomplete “Log Book” could result in the driver being fined for driving an unregistered vehicle!

For ACT historic registered vehicles, a log book entry is required at the commencement and end of each and every journey.  

For NSW historic registered vehicles, no log entry is required for vehicles participating in approved club events. However, all other journeys, for NSW historic registered vehicles (60 Day Trial Scheme), a log entry is required at the start of the first use for the day.  

Travelling Convoy Style

From time to time we may decide to travel to an Event in convoy style. 

Traveling convoy style means we will travel as a group and have a lead vehicle, a last vehicle and vehicles in between.

  • The lead vehicle sets a pace that all of the following vehicles can maintain (and makes all of the navigation mistakes).
  • The last vehicle known as “Tail End Charlie” is there to make sure no one is left behind. It is usual when there are a large number of vehicles in convoy, for tail end charlie to contact the lead vehicle to advise everyone is underway.
  • The rest of us follow the vehicle in front and are responsible for the the vehicle travelling immediately behind by….
    • being aware of the type /colour of the vehicle (look for some identifying feature)
    • keeping the vehicle in sight at all times
    • stopping and offering assistance, if needed and
    • slowing down and if necessary waiting for them to catch up before making a turn or some other change to the direction of travel
  • Tail End Charley and the lead vehicle should have an agreed means of contacting each other ie. mobile phone, UHF radio, flashing headlights etc.

Above all, obeying the road rules and driving and arriving safely, come first.