Historic Vehicle Registration

Our Club is affiliated with the Council of ACT Motor Clubs  and is also a NSW Roads and Maritime (RMS) recognised historic vehicle club.  This allows Club Members an opportunity to avail themselves of the Concessional Registration Scheme for historic vehicles. The scheme is managed by the local Roads and Traffic Authorities. The scheme allows vehicles from NSW and ACT which are more than 30 years of age to be road registered for a minimal fee but with restrictions on usage (3,000 km per year average) and subject to use being recorded in a logbook.

Whilst usage is obviously limited under the scheme, it does allow older vehicles to be maintained in a roadworthy condition and provides an avenue for older vehicles to be driven, enjoyed and displayed at club related outings. 

As a general rule, any Event listed in the ACTMCC Google Events Calendar (see Events) or on our FaceBook page is an orginised and approved club event. 

Members are reminded that it is a condition of use for historic registered vehicles that your vehicle “Log Book” is always up to date and an incomplete “Log Book” could result in the driver being fined for driving an unregistered vehicle!

For ACT historic registered vehicles, a log book entry is required at the commencement and end of each and every journey.  

For NSW historic registered vehicles, no log entry is required for vehicles participating in approved club events. However, all other journeys, for NSW historic registered vehicles (60 Day Trial Scheme), a log entry is required at the start of the first use for the day.  

Club Members wishing to participate in either the ACT or NSW Historic Vehicle Registration Scheme or renew their historic registration, should familiarize themselves with the relevant state traffic authority requirements, as the requirements do change and contact the Club appointed Concessional Registration Registrar and / or the Club appointed NSW Historic Vehicle Inspector.

Continue reading for the latest information, downloads, details on how to access the scheme and updates from the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.

In the ACT, veteran, vintage and historic (VVH) vehicle owners are represented by car clubs, which are affiliated with the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.

If you are a member of a club affiliated with the Council of ACT Motor Clubs you could be eligible to participate in the concessional registration scheme.

The purpose of the VVH registration is to provide a concessional registration scheme for older vehicles which are used on a limited basis by their owners as a recreation or hobby.

Vehicles are to be maintained in a fit and roadworthy condition and are to be driven on Australian roads in a way consistent with their recreational or hobby status. Such a scheme is paramount in preserving Australia’s automotive history.

To provide the capability there are three main categories of use under this registration scheme being:

  • events organised or approved by clubs affiliated with the Council of ACT Motor Clubs;
  • occasional test runs of up to a 40km radius; and,
  • specific occasions not related to club use such as weddings when permission is first obtained from the appropriate club.
Click here to find out more about historic vehicle registration in the ACT.

In NSW, historic vehicles may be registered under the Conditional Registration Scheme. The conditional registration of historic vehicles is referred to as the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS). 

Vehicles are to be maintained in a fit and roadworthy condition and are to be driven on Australian roads in a way consistent with their recreational or hobby status. Such a scheme is paramount in preserving Australia’s automotive history.

Historic vehicles must be as close to original condition as possible, with no alterations except for safety features such as seatbelts and turn indicators, or period accessories and options, if desired.

Historic vehicles can also be used on a road or road related area for:

  • Servicing within a short distance from their place of garaging
  • The inspection of the vehicle.

If a longer journey is necessary, the operator must notify the club and the details recorded by the club in the official minutes or ‘Day Book’.

Click here to find out more about historic vehicle registration in New South Wales.


ACTMCC Policy on Allowable Alterations - DRAFT

The attached Policy document is provided here for the information of members.  

The policy, whilst still in Draft, as it has not been formally ratified by the RTA, is what the club has been working to for managing the CRS scheme.

The the document was submitted to the Council of Car Clubs and subsequently to the RTA in 2016. 

The Committee is not aware of any feedback being received on document’s content to the Council of Car Clubs from the RTA.